Saturday, July 14, 2012

We Make Some Changes Down On The Farm . .

Over the years we have tried various methods of vertical growing but weren't completely satisfied with the results.  A method of supporting our annual crop of tomato plants seems to be a challenge every year. Various other crops that can be grown vertically (beans, cucumbers, squash, zucchini) all need supports of some kind but our rocky soil doesn't lend itself to just driving a few poles into the ground where needed. In fact, it was the rocky soil and a desire for an easier way to build support structures that prompted us to consider a major rehab of the growing beds at the Murray Hill Drive location of Lake City Farm.

We sat down in the early spring and hashed out a plan. We would convert the growing space in our backyard, which comprised in-ground beds, into a system of raised beds. This would allow us to have deeper (rock free) growing beds with better drainage AND give a convenient means of installing support structures for various crops by attaching frames and poles and trellises to the beds themselves. We would maintain about the same square footage of growing space but gain much flexibility in how it was utilized. Yes, a lot of work and not insignificant expense but we felt it would be worth the effort in the long run.

Meanwhile the garlic is coming up in the front yard.

Front yard garlic bed

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